店で 食べる
Eating Out
Lesson 3
おすすめは 何ですか / What do you recommend?
- Can-do #5
interacting - Say the number of people in your party and where you want to be seated in a restaurant
- Can-do #6
reading - Read a menu writen vertically in Japanese
- Can-do #7
interacting - Talk about your recommended dish at a restaurant you have taken someone to
- Can-do #8
interacting - Say in simple terms what things you cannot eat or drink and why
- Can-do #9
interacting - Order a meal, saying what dishes you want and how many of each
Lesson 4
どうやって 食べますか / How do you eat this?
- Can-do #10
interacting - Tell a friend the appropriate order to do things in when having a meal
- Can-do #11
interacting - Say how to eat a particular dish
- Can-do #12
speaking - Make a simple presentation about how to eat a particular dish from your country, using note