日本のことばと文化 初級2 A2 MARUGOTO Plus Japanese Learning 日本のことばと文化 初級2 A2 MARUGOTO Plus Japanese Learning

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Period: Mar 10, 2025 from 10:00 to 12:00 (Japan time)
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  2. Topics & Can-do / Topic8

せいかつと エコ

Life and Eco-friendly Activities

せいかつとエコ Life and Eco-friendly Activities

Lesson 15
電気が ついたままですよ / The light has been left on

Can-do #41
Point out a non eco-friendly practice to someone/Respond to this
Can-do #42
Talk about an eco-friendly activity you engage in

Lesson 16
フリーマーケットで うります / I'll sell it at the fleamarket

Can-do #43
Talk about what you do to make the best use of things before disposing of them
Can-do #44
Talk about something you made by recycling a thing you no longer needed

Topics & Can-do