れきしと 文化の 町
A Town Rich in History and Culture
Lesson 13
この おてらは 14せいきに たてられました / This temple was built in the 14th century
- Can-do #35
interacting - Ask/Tell someone in the same tour group if it is his or her/your first time to visit a sightseeing spot
- Can-do #36
interacting - Talk briefly about a famous place
- Can-do #37
reading - Read comments written in the visitor comment book at a sightseeing spot
- Can-do #38
writing - Write a comment in the visitor comment book at a sightseeing spot
Lesson 14
この 絵は とても ゆうめいだそうです / I hear that this painting is very famous
- Can-do #39
interacting - Tell a friend in simple terms what the description of an exhibit in a museum says
- Can-do #40
interacting - Talk about the rules in a museum